Lee LemusProject Plan Summary:
While clear health disparities exist among both transgender populations and homeless youth, and transgender individuals are over-represented within homeless youth populations, little research has explored the health of transgender homeless youth. A better understanding of the specific concerns of this population, and of the social and structural factors that lead to their health outcomes, could identify modifiable targets for health and wellbeing interventions. This qualitative, grounded theory study will model how the lived experience of being young, transgender, and homeless in the San Francisco Bay Area translates into poor health outcomes, in addition to cultivating mechanisms for survival and resilience. Bio: Lee Lemus Hufstedler is a Chicano future family physician in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program who is passionate about ending health disparities. Lee want to create change for marginalized populations –including LGBTQ communities, Latinos, and immigrants –through community organizing, advocacy, and research on social and structural determinants of health. |